This project started in a package design class that I took in my Junior year of college. The assignment told us to create a package that worked around a cylinder. I chose to make an energy drink label that worked around the name's idea; I Don't Have Any Energy, Drink. Later that year, I needed to create a commercial about a product for my post-production class. I choose to use my energy drink product for the sixty and thirty-second commercial edited in Premiere Pro.

The Design:

I wanted to play with various bright and eye-catching colors for the design while keeping the logo and main design elements consistent for brand recognition. I measured an energy drink and brought those specific measurements into illustrator. There I was able to plan out my design and add detailed information required on energy drink cans to be legally sold in the United States.

I then brought the design into Blender, where I UV unwrapped a can model and applied the design to the can. Once I did that, I set up lighting and camera angles and got beauty shots of the products.


Programs Used: